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2019 Haflinger-Cross Gelding

14.2 hh

Quality through and through defines this handsome 5 year old gelding we call Bojangles! Standing 14.2 hands and stamped with such a unique and beautiful color, this striking gelding has so much to offer.

Bojangles is broke to ride western and broke to drive single! He is safe, sane, and very calm in every aspect of his life. He has an ample amount of training in the arena and a great deal of exposure outside on the trails and throughout the ranch. Bojangles is always quiet, gentle and easy to handle on the ground and on his back. His ground manners are impeccable always being sweet an respectful.

He is a model citizen gelding all the way around. He stands quiet as a church mouse to groom, bathe, tack up and mount up. He's never anxious or worried about different places or new situations. Bojangles is beginner friendly, very tolerant, and unbothered by mistakes or miscues. He steers great with a one-handed neck rein and stays right in-between the reins. Wherever you point him, he goes. He never says no and will cross anything in his path. He has the smoothest, most comfortable and easy to sit gaits.

Bojangles is a soldier outside and will take care of his rider. He is not spooky or watchy in anyway. He is very sure footed and knows where his feet are at all times.

Bojangles also pulls the cart, wagon, or anything you hook to him. He is no stranger to hauling people all over the ranch and through traffic in town. He is safe, confident, and looks absolutely stellar going down the road hooked up and is definitely a head turner.

Bojangles is a blast to trail ride or leisurely cruise down the road. He is accustomed to busy traffic, bicycles, dogs, machinery, you name it. Bojangles is always a pleasure to ride in the arena, out in the trails, or to drive anywhere! Hard to find such a versatile, young, gentle gelding.

KC Peterson

Lewellen, Nebraska


KC Peterson
KC Peterson born and raised in Nebraska, has been riding and training horses for over 50 years. Grew up ranching and training horses as a family, that also traveled the world putting on and performing in Wild West Shows, including trick riding and trick horses. Which in turn turned in to a career training and supplying horses for Hollywood movies. KC's passion these days are making very special one of kind horses to offer to the public. KC also manages a ranch in the sandhills of Nebraska and travels the western United States as an Equine dentist.