Otis (2)
Otis (1)
Image 8-30-24 at 7.06 PM
Image 8-30-24 at 7.07 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.30 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.32 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.44 PM
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Otis (2)
Otis (1)
Image 8-30-24 at 7.06 PM
Image 8-30-24 at 7.07 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.30 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.32 PM
Image 9-2-24 at 12.44 PM
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2018 AQHA Gelding

15.2 hh

Tall, dark, and very handsome, paired with the most gentle demeanor and kindest soul. Otis is one for the entire family to enjoy whether you are older, younger or somewhere in between he will take the very best of care of you and be your number one partner.

Otis is the perfect horse to build your confidence as he is always the same steady eddy with no tricks or surprises. Otis is simply easy. He makes owning a horse fun and rewarding. He’s easy to catch, has impeccable ground manners, stands quietly to mount and dismount, and is always safe and gentle to ride even with time off. Otis rides western, english, bareback and bridleless. He looks absolutely stellar in english tack. He has a beautiful long trot and goes around the arena naturally flat. His transitions are spot on and I believe he would excel in western dressage or as an all around type show horse.

Otis was originally trained and shown in reining. He has the easiest lead changes, great lead departures, correct spins, and a nice sliding stop. He has the best slow lope and cute little jog on a draped rein. He guides very willingly with a one handed neck rein or will direct rein as well.

Otis has also been roped and ranched on. He is solid in the team roping on both ends. He’s a nice, easy switchender that anyone can go have some fun on. Otis’s wide range of skills don’t stop in the arena. He’s the perfect trail riding partner that loves to cruise down the trails. He’s confident and unwavering going through downtown amongst busy traffic and highly populated areas with motorcycles, bicycles, strollers, and dogs.

He’s accustomed to wildlife, buffalo, pigs, camels, gunfire, and heavy machinery. Otis is very sure footed and can crawl through rocky terrain and will walk right into running water without hesitation. He is fine riding solo or will get along anywhere in a group leading or following. He will walk back to the barn on a loose rein.

Otis is very quiet natured and will go as slow or as fast as asked. He would make an excellent horse for a timid or beginner rider to a competitive rider and everywhere in the middle. He’s just a nice horse that wants to please and do good.


Mozaun & Sarah McKibben

Carefree, Arizona


Mozaun and Sarah McKibben have dedicated themselves to making and selling fancy horses that have the class, handle and personality everyone is looking for.
Mozaun was raised on a high desert ranch in central New Mexico that was 64,000 acres. Growing up cowboying was a way of life and Mozaun’s training approach is based on his years of experience in the arena and on the ranch. He is first and foremost a cowboy. Mozaun has had much success in the horse show world and personally appreciates what it takes to go from good to best. Mozaun has won seven American Quarter Horse Association World Championships in Ranch Versatility and Ranch Riding. Along with numerous wins in Ranch Horse Competitions. Mozaun has also competed and won money in the National Reined Cow Horse Association, National Reining Horse Association, National Cutting Horse Association, United States Team Roping Association, VIP Team Roping Championships, World Series of Team Roping, and Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association and has conducted clinics all over the world.
Sarah grew up as a city kid from Missouri. Her love and passion for horses began at an early age. She started riding dressage and eventing horses at the local stable and got opportunities to train with top trainers. As long as she could be with horses, her life was complete. Having competed in several disciplines throughout her life, there is one constant, Sarah says any day you can be horseback is a good day. Sarah has won fifteen Amateur and Open American Quarter Horse Association World Championships.